A product Material Safety Data Sheet is available here—71-040 MSDSThis product is forin vitro(diagnostic) use only. Not for human or animal consumption.
Protein PurityNot less than 98%
Presence of ProteaseNone Detected
Presence of Fatty AcidsNot more than 0.05%
MoistureNot more than 3%
pH, 10%6.7 - 7.3
Conductivity, 10%Maximum 3,000 µS
Sodium ContentMaximum 50 mEq/L
Chloride ContentMaximum 50 mEq/L
Presence of IgGBelow Detectable Limits
Absorbance @440 nm< 0.100
Absorbance @550 nm< 0.100
Microbial ContentMaximum 3 CFU/ml
Virus Testing - Vesicular StomatitisNegative
Virus Testing - Blue TongueNegative